Model Tyre Engineering
Posted on 04/08/2011 Category: Product & Application News

It may seem odd, but Martin’s have been manufacturing the tyres for model 1/10th scale Steam Traction engines for many years, and just completed a new batch for our customer, Markie Models. Each steam engine is precision engineered by proprietor Tony Pearce and his wife Marie, who hand build these equisitely detailed engines to individual order in their workshop in Hampshire. Tony, formerly MD of his own engineering company, began producing the models over 30 years ago as a hobby for his own pleasure. But, in response to increasing demand, he began to sell them to other collectors and the business grew to a full time concern with customers worldwide. Martin’s have been involved with Markie Models for many years, originally supplying various cut rubber strips for the tyres and pulleys on the Showman’s Engines and Trailers, and subsequently developing mould tools in response to the requirement for a higher quality visual product. By the way, if you fancy owning one yourself, the waiting list is around nine months, and in the words of the old adage, if you have to ask the price……… Author: Adam Hooper Date: 5 Aug 2011
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