Night shift operations at Martins gather speed
Posted on 29/04/2013 Category: Martins Rubber News

As manufacturing in the UK continued to strengthen during 2011, Martin’s found it necessary to implement a night shift in order to continue to provide a service in line with the needs of our customers. Happily this strengthening trend has continued and we have now further expanded our night time operations after the first quarter of 2012, in order to cope with increasing demand and improve our plant utilisation. The benefits in terms of manufacturing and energy efficiency are being felt through the business, and in turn our ever increasing customer base is seeing us maintain robust levels of service and flexibility, which is allowing us to bring further opportunities on line and improve the scope and depth of the business we are undertaking. Exciting times indeed for the company, and it is very refreshing to see manufacturing becoming more widely recognised as a powerhouse of the UK economy and culture, for those companies who persevered with making real products here in the UK through the unfashionable times of the recent past. Author: Adam Hooper Date: 30th April 2012
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