

It’s one thing having a great idea. It’s another altogether being able to understand how it will perform in the real world.

Design and simulation

Well-designed products by skilled, experienced people.

Inevitably, this means a collaboration between the designer (usually our customer) and our own engineers.

If the product is unproven, and prototyping and testing an expensive or time-consuming option, a critical stage in the design process can be simulation of the part in situ in order to assess and correct any design flaws and wear issues.

Take a look at the following pages to understand better what we can offer prior to manufacture:

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Our expertise in action

Custom solutions to ensure MXGP pole position

Not all our customers want volumes of parts; sometimes they just need a small batch, manufactured to exacting specifications with absolute performance in mind. Challenge: To design and produce parts for improved performance on a competition...

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Critical components test the boundaries of moulding techniques

Rubber is the ideal solution for a fuel hose - it can cope with extreme chemicals and provides flexibility. However, when trying to design for both safety and space-saving, a unique challenge is presented. Challenge: To...

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FEA simulation for crash test readiness

Finite element analysis can be used not only for understanding wear and reducing the cost of prototyping but also as part of a critical safety analysis prior to real-world tests. The challenge: To assist a commercial...

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Designing for production efficiencies

The processing industry is under pressure to offer efficiencies and cost-savings at all stages of their process. Consistent, reliable supply is the backbone of a productive business - and sometimes design for manufacture is key. The...

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Putting aesthetics at the forefront

There are times when the appearance of a product is equally as important as the function; if we know that from the outset we will design and manufacture with the visual impact as a priority. The...

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Designing around existing components for bespoke solutions

Often, our customers do not have CAD facilities; they rely upon us to take their vision and work with it to propose and develop a suitable solution. The challenge: To conceptualise and develop the design of...

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A race against time for design and production

For many of our customers their products are constantly going through re-design and development for improvement; we have to align ourselves with that process, often against tough deadlines. The challenge: To replicate a moulded rubber HNBR...

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Quality and workmanship to match your brand’s reputation

Some brands build their reputation on quality, finish and great British engineering. Whatever the critical factors for your product in terms of design and manufacture, we will work in partnership to make sure that our piece...

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Unusual solutions to solve a unique problem

Combining industry-specific knowledge with expertise in rubber engineering - whilst collaborating with engineers on site - allows us to think past the usual solution to a problem and design something to fit within a unique range...

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Problem solving and production for fluid engineering

Flowplant supply over 250 pumps every year throughout their distributor network, so when they came to us in 2018 looking for help in developing their diaphragm line we knew they would need support in both problem-solving...

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